Hawaii Organizations to Host Town Hall on Legalization Bill

Hawaii Organizations to Host Town Hall on Legalization Bill

Advisory for event on Monday at 5:30 p.m. HST
Contact: DeVaughn Ward
808-445-6629, dward@mpp.org 

Honolulu, HI — On Monday, the Marijuana Policy Project, Drug Policy Forum Hawaii, ACLU Hawaii, and the Last Prisoner Project will be joined by Rep. Jeanné Kapela (5th District) to hold a town hall to discuss SB 669, a legalization measure that recently passed the Hawaii Senate.

The groups will provide details of what is included in the bill, such as expungement, home cultivation rights for adults 21 and older, and new licensing opportunities for more cannabis businesses, as well as where areas for improvements remain.

WHAT: Town Hall on Cannabis Legalization Bill

WHEN: Monday, March 13, 5:30 p.m. HST

WHERE: You can tune into the town hall on MPP's Facebook page

WHO: The Marijuana Policy Project, Drug Policy Forum Hawaii, ACLU Hawaii, the Last Prisoner Project, and Rep. Jeanné Kapela

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The Hawaii Alliance for Cannabis Reform is a coalition of citizens, organizations, and community leaders working to end marijuana prohibition in Hawaii and replace it with a system in which marijuana is not only regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol but also provides retroactive relief for those harmed by its prohibition. For more information, visit www.legalizehawaii.org